I remember the most random things... |
I thought about this all while ellipticalling for 10min. Just made that word up. The elliptical faces Michigan Ave, so I see lots of buses pass by with a lot of uncomfortable stares from the stranger peeps facing east on the vehicle. I wonder if they can actually see me see them. Although things seem to feel more normal structurally, every once in a while I'll feel a pinching on the outside of my leg, along the IT band. Definitely felt it after the elliptical. Kim had me foam roll the outside of my leg from mid thigh down to mid calf back up again. I feel like this will be a lingering pain for the next couple of months to a year, which gets me nervous about long distance running.
Here are my new exercises which I hope you can visualize through my description
Here are my new exercises which I hope you can visualize through my description
- deep side lunge into opposite step side kick, much like kickboxing but in slow motion, close to pause mode.
- step up to the bosu ball with one leg while raising arms above head holding 7lb medicine ball (very similar to the liberty in cheerleading)
- side lunges with 7lb medicine ball brought to the side of the outside knee that's doing the lunge
- v-ups on the exercise ball, resting position is a push up position with legs resting on the ball
- asterisk heels taps where the leg standing in center is on a foam pad while free heel taps all 5 points of asterisk
- one leg on 4in platform while back leg taps side to side, all weight on the heel of the foot on the platform
- standing on foam pad with one leg while throwing 4lb ball against sideways trampoline with opposite hand (left handed!)
- running up and down the platform alternating legs for a minute straight (the most exciting one!)
- side stepping with navy blue theraband (2nd to highest resistance, black is highest)
All these are done on both legs, btw. Mixed in with the exercises, Kim and I shared stories about post surgery. We talked about post-op fashion- Kim had a custom made brace to wear but she never wore it during tumbling. Her parents were made because the brace was paid out of pocket and custom fit for her leg! For me it's still uncomfy to wear fitting pants because the material rubs over the scars, the skin is so sensitive in those parts! Here's this week's icing view:
I usually schedule my session 2-3 weeks in advance. At the end of April, I won't be able to make it to PT because of work and being out of town. Kim was okay with me missing 2 weeks, as long as i incorporate the following 5 in my individual workouts:
-balance and strength
-isolated exercises
...er something like that, i didn't want her to repeat them, was just gonna ask again at my last session before my Cali trip in 2 weeks. So I wanted to share something that I've never seen before of all my years of exercising with the bosu ball. Also, my biggest fear when standing on one or doing push-ups:
Last Thursday was my 8 week follow up with Dr. Edwards. It was at 10:15am, I was already at work and of course, I had a baby patient who was due to eat at 10am. I feel like that lil friend knew I had an appointment because he woke up way early, so I fed him, cuddled and was able to head to the appointment with 5 minutes to spare! I had a list of questions prepared dealing with activity, PT, limitations, the story of each scar, and IT band issues. I feel like she already knew what I had in my mind because everything she discussed answered most of my questions. Then it was like an open forum. But basically I could start biking to work at 3 months, no running until about month 4. I can continue elliptical and stairs. PT still goes on for a while, she even said she could set me up with people in california after I had mentioned my plans to head over there! Turns out she lived there for 4 years! She took a peek at my scars and said they look like they should, and just to protect them from the sun. I was so curious about what went into what, so she explained where they drilled, pinned, threaded, and inserted the ligament. pretty cool! The very last thing I mentioned was about the strain I feel in my IT band when I do side stepping or step overs. The reason that's felt is because when they inserted the ligament, they had to go through the band, not around. Made sense. Will take a while for that to get less sensitive. It's just a whole game of patience, I'm only 2 months in and I feel like I can do things, but I know I have to keep myself from doing them which is really tough. Check out this cute red potato I ran into:
Here's a new perspective, aerial view! This shows more scars: the scar on the left of the patella is where they threaded the ligament in through the IT band and through the femur. The 2 scars on my kneecap are where the scopes were inserted, and the long incision on the bottom is where they drilled through my tibia so my ligament could attach through it. Pretty neat, huh?
...er something like that, i didn't want her to repeat them, was just gonna ask again at my last session before my Cali trip in 2 weeks. So I wanted to share something that I've never seen before of all my years of exercising with the bosu ball. Also, my biggest fear when standing on one or doing push-ups:
Last Thursday was my 8 week follow up with Dr. Edwards. It was at 10:15am, I was already at work and of course, I had a baby patient who was due to eat at 10am. I feel like that lil friend knew I had an appointment because he woke up way early, so I fed him, cuddled and was able to head to the appointment with 5 minutes to spare! I had a list of questions prepared dealing with activity, PT, limitations, the story of each scar, and IT band issues. I feel like she already knew what I had in my mind because everything she discussed answered most of my questions. Then it was like an open forum. But basically I could start biking to work at 3 months, no running until about month 4. I can continue elliptical and stairs. PT still goes on for a while, she even said she could set me up with people in california after I had mentioned my plans to head over there! Turns out she lived there for 4 years! She took a peek at my scars and said they look like they should, and just to protect them from the sun. I was so curious about what went into what, so she explained where they drilled, pinned, threaded, and inserted the ligament. pretty cool! The very last thing I mentioned was about the strain I feel in my IT band when I do side stepping or step overs. The reason that's felt is because when they inserted the ligament, they had to go through the band, not around. Made sense. Will take a while for that to get less sensitive. It's just a whole game of patience, I'm only 2 months in and I feel like I can do things, but I know I have to keep myself from doing them which is really tough. Check out this cute red potato I ran into:
a red potato expressing its love....i felt bad eating it, kinda like a double yolk egg, or twin banana Here's my post op week 8 pic...again, not much change, only scar color |
Lastly, my apologies for not blogging as often. I've been getting frustrated because my internet has been cutting in and out in the past couple of weeks. I called comcast and never got to a real person, but heard some tips from the recording. I think I solved the problem this morning when I changed outlets for both my modem and router. Just FYI if you ever experience problems. Just keep your fingers and toes crossed that my problems are no more! Have a great week!