
it's the 10 week mark!

(verrrrrrrry delayed post!)
I don't know where the time went!  2 more weeks until the 3 month mark, the mark when many say is the shortest recovery time.  Does that make sense?  I hear 3-6months recovery.  anyways, I'm getting there!  PT is still going 1-2 times a week, same balance strength core exercises going on.  I'm just ready for faster movement!  I have to admit, it's nostalgic seeing all the runners outside, even on the treadmills inside.  I've had a couple days off where I was determined to be productive and clean out a lot of junk.  here's is the result of one of my closets:

to some this may still be a lot of clutter, but it's neat to me!
 The weirdest thing happened at my PT session today.  I was foam rolling my legs and doing hamstring stretches.  I looked down at my knee as i reached from my left toes.  When I get that close, I tend to become a microscope and inspect every little pore in my skin down to where a hair could possible sprout from.  On the distal part of my long incision, noticed a "hair" that had sprouted out.  Only thing was that it was a clear hair.  I'm a picker, so of course i form a tweezer with my right index finger and thumb.  I got to pull at the "hair" and the thing just starts coming out of my skin with ease.  This thing turns into a pretty long clear "hair" that finally ends after about 2 inches!  i was like, "what the frick?"  So i turn to Kim, she's busy writing notes.  Then i look back at what i've pulled out and realize i've just pulled out a dissolvable stitch!  In my head i thought, "oh my god, did i unstitch my leg? did i just do a really bad thing?" So i finally tell Kim about what I pulled out and show her, she said it was a stitch and that that happened to her too after her c-section.  phew!  This is what it looked like:
definately not a hair!
On the food front, I made multigrain pancakes, check out the butter slice shape!  i didn't plan it!
butta love
 I've found that my new bffs are medicine balls.  From 4lb-18lbs, i got love for them all

here's me and my 4lb bff.   i guess i like all things 4lbs...babies, medicine balls, melons.  Starting to get tired of my cardio options, so i try to enjoy it with the cardio entertainment.  Here's a dance video remake of Eddie Murphy's "Party all the time".  I found it quite amusing... so amusing that I had to pause my bike stroll to get this shot.  Homeboy looks like Dave Chappelle!

Seriously can't wait to have running as a cardio option.  There's only so much you can take when biking until your bum bum starts to get sore, no matter how much you shift on the padded seat.  Besides not being able to run, another frustration?  the weather!  here's a great depiction of what mother nature has been up to.  are we sunny are we gloomy? hmmm, let's be both!  arghhhhh

mother nature is bipolar

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